9Solutions con­tributes to build­ing the world’s smartest hos­pi­tal

The new Oulu Uni­ver­si­ty Hos­pi­tal (OYS) is now open and aims to become the world’s smartest hos­pi­tal through the OYS 2030 ren­o­va­tion pro­gram. The hos­pi­tal is inte­grat­ing advanced tech­nol­o­gy and mod­ern facil­i­ties to pro­vide top-lev­el care. 9Solutions, a health com­pa­ny from Oulu, is a proud part­ner in this project as their locat­ing nurse call and per­son­al secu­ri­ty sys­tem plays a cen­tral role in cre­at­ing OYS’s smart hos­pi­tal envi­ron­ment.

Focus on high-qual­i­ty care

Room-spe­cif­ic loca­tion alerts and tasks enable rapid response, enhanc­ing safe­ty for both patients and staff. Extra steps are min­i­mized as peo­ple and device loca­tions, alert acknowl­edg­ments, and upcom­ing tasks are all acces­si­ble through a mobile app rather than a cen­tral office. Mobile com­mu­ni­ca­tion solu­tions stream­line tasks and help reduce over­lap­ping work.

A Safer, More Effi­cient Hos­pi­tal

9Solutions’ loca­tion-based nurse call and per­son­al safe­ty sys­tem is a core part of OYS’s smart hos­pi­tal envi­ron­ment.  

  • Real-time loca­tion data allows for faster response times and a safer envi­ron­ment. 
  • Access con­trol: Staff and patients have per­son­al­ized access, allow­ing them to move freely while reduc­ing risks. The sys­tem also sup­ports indoor nav­i­ga­tion.
  • Improv­ing staff safe­ty:  Staff can use their per­son­al alarm but­tons to call for help quick­ly. Alarms go direct­ly to col­leagues, secu­ri­ty, or exter­nal emer­gency ser­vices. (Read the OYS Emer­gency Depart­ment case study)
  • Asset Track­ing:  9Solutions helps hos­pi­tals track their equip­ment, which saves time, improves orga­ni­za­tion, and pre­vents theft.
Inte­gra­tions and intel­li­gent infra­struc­ture

9Solutions Oy’s sys­tem is designed for seam­less inte­gra­tion, con­nect­ing with a wide array of tech­nolo­gies with­in OYS. From crit­i­cal sys­tems like gas mon­i­tor­ing and the hos­pi­tal ERP to build­ing man­age­ment sys­tems like DALI light­ing con­trol and pneu­mat­ic tubes, 9Solutions acts as a cen­tral ner­vous sys­tem. This inter­con­nect­ed net­work of near­ly 20 sys­tems enables intel­li­gent automa­tion, remote con­trol, and data-dri­ven opti­miza­tion, ulti­mate­ly enhanc­ing safe­ty, effi­cien­cy, and patient care.

Tech­nol­o­gy Empow­er­ing Care

9Solutions’ sys­tem is designed to alle­vi­ate the bur­den on health­care pro­fes­sion­als. By con­sol­i­dat­ing essen­tial func­tion­al­i­ties into one plat­form, it reduces the need for nurs­es to nav­i­gate mul­ti­ple appli­ca­tions or strug­gle with infor­ma­tion over­load.  This means less time spent on admin­is­tra­tive tasks and more time ded­i­cat­ed to patient care. With fea­tures like intel­li­gent alarm pri­or­i­ti­za­tion and per­son­al­ized task assign­ment, 9Solutions ensures that care­givers can focus their ener­gy where it’s need­ed most.

Pos­i­tive feed­back from the first phase

The first phase of the project, the E build­ing, was com­plet­ed in 2022 and has received pos­i­tive feed­back from staff.  Nurs­es in the radio­ther­a­py unit, which has been oper­at­ing in the new build­ing since Octo­ber 2023,  appre­ci­ate the seam­less tran­si­tion to the new facil­i­ty with the famil­iar 9Solutions sys­tem.  They have specif­i­cal­ly high­light­ed the excel­lent bat­tery replace­ment ser­vice for call but­tons.

Part­ner­ing with Loi­hde

9Solutions deliv­ers this sys­tem in col­lab­o­ra­tion with its long-term part­ner, Loi­hde Oyj, who han­dles the tech­ni­cal imple­men­ta­tion and instal­la­tion. Togeth­er, 9Solutions and Loi­hde pro­vide a reli­able and com­pre­hen­sive solu­tion that sup­ports the hospital’s goals for an intel­li­gent and safe care envi­ron­ment. This part­ner­ship ensures effi­cient imple­men­ta­tion and ongo­ing sys­tem func­tion­al­i­ty, includ­ing sup­port ser­vices and con­tin­u­ous devel­op­ment. 9Solutions is proud to be part of build­ing the world’s smartest hos­pi­tal togeth­er with Loi­hde.

Source: 9Solutions